Pray this prayer daily! – Psalm 143:10 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Finding Stability: A Meditation on Psalm 143:10

In this meditation, we reflect on Psalm 143:10 and seek guidance on fol… (visit YouTube for more)


Today’s meditation verse is Psalm 143, verse 10. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

Our God brought order out of chaos, right at the start when he made this universe and everything in it. He is a God of order. He is a God of balance. He is not a God of uncertainty.

And so as he teaches us to do what he wants, we find our way towards that level ground. We find this narrow path, this stable, narrow path, the way he wishes us to walk.

At all times, God wants us to keep in step with his Holy Spirit, letting the Holy Spirit lead us. And in this way, our feet will be secure. We will not slip. Or if we stumble, we will be restored back to that level ground.

What does this mean in reality? It means in the day to day of our existence, we must be saying to God, Teach me to do your will. What do I do here, God, in this situation? What am I to do? You’re God. You know best. I will follow your way. And I know that I can trust in you, and therefore that your way will be the best way. And that whatever happens, I can be certain that the outcome will be according to your will.

We serve a good God. This is true. And he wants to lead us into more truth, into more knowledge of him, into more maturity and wisdom.

And so we say with the Psalmist, we pray, Lord God, teach us to do your will for you are our God. May your good Spirit lead us on level ground. Amen.

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