Overcoming Shame: A Message of Hope #meditation #hope #dailydevotional #biblemeditation #faith


Finding Redemption: Overcoming Shame and Guilt Through Faith

In this episode, we reflect on our daily struggles with sh… (visit YouTube for more)


When we reflect back on our lives, even maybe just the last 24 hours, there are going to be things there that we feel shame about. Now we don’t live in shame, we don’t live in guilt, because Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for everything that we do wrong.

But still, we are stuck with this, for now. This body of death, this is the housing that we live in, and its nature is fallen, even though we’re redeemed.

So given that we have this struggle, we have to do what Paul does and cry out for help. Who will deliver me from this body of death? Let us cry out to God.

Will you, Lord, deliver us from this body of death?

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