No More Death: A Future of Hope #meditation #salvation #afterlife #heaven #dailydevotional


The End of Death and Sorrow: A Glimpse of Restoration

A profound transformation that will occur upon the return of Chri… (visit YouTube for more)


death is going. It will be swallowed up, gone completely. No more death. When the heavens and the earth are restored after the return of Christ, death will be history.

All the tears will be wiped away. There’ll be no need for sorrow, and it’ll be God himself, our caring, loving Father, wiping away those tears, eliminating sorrow along with death. And this reproach, the sinfulness, the guilt that we have felt over aeons, over all of human history, that will be taken away too. Finally, everything gone that is evil and wicked and bad, eliminated by a loving God.

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