In defence of Creation – Hebrews 3:4 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Ultimate Praise: Recognising God as the Creator

In this episode, we meditate on Hebrews 3:4 to explore the importan… (visit YouTube for more)


The writer of Hebrews reminds us, quite bluntly, where all praise, where the greatest praise, is due. Hebrews chapter 3, verse 4. For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.

Now this is in a passage where the virtues of Moses are extolled, but the virtues of Jesus are extolled more highly. The builder of all things is God.

So we might look at a building that’s amazing and say, wow, that’s an amazing building. But if we know the architect, we are more likely to say, wow, what incredible work that architect did in designing that building. And that’s what we’ve got with Creation.

Nobody, nobody on this earth has created something as phenomenal as our earth and as our universe. I wish we could see it in its original splendour before the fall brought about decay and destruction. But even so, we can still see this is phenomenal. Who but God could create something like this universe?

And so when we look at anyone’s achievement, whatever it may be, whether it’s sporting or academic or in business or in work, they can only achieve that because God made them. Because God put into them the capacity to do those things.

So ultimately, we, as houses, were built by God. And to Him goes the glory for everything. For everything good that we can do, God is praised. And for this universe, this creation, and everything in it that is good, God is praised.

We thank you, God, that you chose to make us, that you chose to make this universe, that you chose to be in relationship with us. And for all this, we praise you. You are so outstanding our minds cannot contain your glory. You are our God and we worship and bow before you. Amen.

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