How to live abuntantly – Matthew 4:4 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Living by the Word of God – Understanding Matthew 4:4

In this episode, we meditate on Matthew 4:4 where Jesus responds … (visit YouTube for more)


Where does our life come from? When Jesus was being tempted by the devil, the devil said, you can turn these stones into bread. And then we get to our verse that we’re meditating on today. It’s Matthew chapter 4, verse 4. But he answered, "It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’"

Jesus says, I know where the true source of life comes from. I may be hungry, I may be worn out, but I look to God for my life. And Jesus is speaking quite literally here when he says that man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Because there are two senses here, aren’t there?

First of all, we know that we need the word of God to survive. This is the source of absolute truth for us. This is what gives us the keys to understanding how we are to live.

But also, right at the beginning, God spoke creation into life. It was his words, literally the words of the living God, that caused us to exist. So our lives are 100 percent dependent on the Word of God. And Jesus puts that absolutely in its right place. And therefore dismisses Satan who’s trying to tempt him with something less than the Word of God.

So if we are to live abundant lives, my friends, there is only one place we can go. We have to go to Jesus. He has the words of eternal life.

This eternal life starts now. If you are alive right now, your eternal life has already begun. Because you’ve been changed and transformed, the Holy Spirit is living in you, and you are living on and by the words of our God.

Thank you, Lord, that you have given us these truths. Not just for us to learn them, but for us to live them. And not just for us to live them casually, but to live them fully. Help us, Lord, to be obedient to your Word and to cling to all that you have said, knowing that you wish to give us life fully and forever.


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