How clean should we be? – Ephesians 5:4 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Walking the Path of Righteousness: Lessons from Ephesians 5:4

In this episode, we explore the teachings of Paul from Ep… (visit YouTube for more)


As a Christian, sometimes we might ask, how good is good enough? Well, Paul is quite clear about this. In Ephesians chapter 5, verse 4, he says, Let there be no filthiness, nor foolish talk, nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.

He’s addressing Christians and he’s saying to them, don’t just be good, look good. Now we’re not looking good for the sake of looking good, but we have a duty not to bring the gospel into disrepute. We have a duty not to be wayward children of our father. And if we’re flirting with things like coarse jokes or foolish talk, which might be the wisdom of the world, the so-called wisdom, these are not right for a Christian.

Can you imagine Jesus telling a blue joke? Can you imagine Jesus spouting foolishness, talking nonsense? Going on about conspiracy theories? No, my friends, our source of truth, our source of everything that is good and right, is the Bible and what is given to us through the Holy Spirit within us.

We shouldn’t be engaging in any kind of filthiness. We should be running away from it. Let’s not flirt with the grey. Let’s not sit on the fence. Let us be clear. Let our yes be yes and our no, no. Rather than any of these things which are worldly and unclean, let our hearts be full of thanksgiving to our Father who has given us everything.

Lord God, I know you say these things to us not to condemn us, but to remind us, to show us the right way, to show us your preferred path, the way you would like us to walk through this life. And we do, as your obedient, loving children, want to please you, God. But we are weak, so please help us. Please remind us, as you have done in your scripture, of the things to avoid and the things to pursue, so that we might be true ambassadors of your gospel. Amen.

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