Hanging with fools? RUN! – Proverbs 13:20 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Importance of Walking with the Wise: Wisdom from Proverbs 13:20

In this episode, we explore the wisdom found in Pro… (visit YouTube for more)


We do need to be careful what company we keep. That’s in the Bible, but it’s perhaps not what you think. Proverbs 13 verse 20. Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

So this isn’t telling us to keep away from those who have wandered away from the faith, or who are unsaved, or who have sinful lives. Not that. Jesus did that, and we can take his example.

This is telling us, who are we walking with? Who are we aligning our lives to? Who are we spending time with, where we know that their way of thinking is going to rub off on us?

Wherever possible, it’s good for us to try and walk with people who are wise. Because we will become wise alongside them as we listen to them, as we soak up their knowledge, as we learn from them, from their relationship with God, from how they put the principles in the Bible into action.

If instead we constantly align ourselves, we hang around with people who are making bad decisions, that also will rub off on us. And we will suffer harm, whether through our own actions or whether from being caught in the crossfire from mistakes that they make.

So when choosing who we want to spend time with, we can look to the people whose actions, whose behaviours, whose way of life corresponds to what they say, to what they confess with their mouths, to the faith that they profess and the standards that they believe in.

Thank you, God, for the wisdom that exists throughout scripture and the wisdom that is yours shown to us through creation, through time, through eternity. Lord God, please help us first and foremost to walk with the wisest one of all, your Son, the Holy Spirit, you, God, the Father, learning from you and then learning from your saints who are here with us on the earth. And may we in our turn become wise and able to instruct others. Amen.

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