Do you want stuff? – Matthew 6:33 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Prioritising the Kingdom of God: A Life-Changing Perspective

This episode delves into the teachings of Jesus from Matth… (visit YouTube for more)


What do we spend the most time thinking about? It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? And it will affect the way that we live our lives, and it affects our priorities, whatever that thing is that’s of most importance to us. Let’s meditate on what Jesus says in Matthew chapter 6 verse 33. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Jesus says, I know you need stuff to live. I know you need things. know you need food. I know you need somewhere to live. But the most important thing for you, for anyone is the kingdom of God, the extending of God’s rule in our own lives and throughout the world.

And when we seek God’s rule, first and foremost, when we seek the kingdom of God, that is, God being enthroned in our lives, and in the lives of those around us, that completely changes our priorities. It means that we will be wanting, first and foremost, the things that God wants.

So it makes sense that if we are seeking first the Kingdom of God, by virtue of that change in priorities, our heart’s desires will also change. They’ll change for the better. They’ll change to want the things that God wants. And we can be certain then, that His purposes are fulfiled in your life and in mine.

Seek first, above anything else, as your highest priority, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all those other things that you need, that are of vital importance to you in accordance with God’s will will be added to you.

God, you know best in all circumstances and for all people. God, we want your kingdom to increase and to be established in our lives, in our communities, in our nations and in this world. We bow the knee to you, God. Please help us so to win our friends, our relatives, and our neighbours, that they bow the knee also. For your name’s sake and for the sake of your gospel and your kingdom. Amen.

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