Are we THIS submitted? – Mark 14:36 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Following God’s Will: Embracing Challenges as True Disciples

In this episode, we explore the profound example set by Je… (visit YouTube for more)


Jesus, though he was and is God, was living as a man. And he sets this extraordinary example to us, like in Mark chapter 14, verse 36. And he said, "Abba Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me, yet not what I will, but what you will."

So Jesus is saying to God, I don’t want to go to the cross. I don’t want to experience this burden of guilt and sin. I don’t want to be torn from your presence. This will be an horrific experience for me. But still, your will comes first.

And he is leading us in this way. Jesus isn’t asking anything of us that he wasn’t prepared to do himself. Sometimes we face very difficult circumstances that God is allowing us to walk through or even leading us through. And we have to say to Him, in honesty, God, we don’t want this, but we will follow your will. And sometimes this is what it means to be a true disciple of Jesus, that you are taking the flak because God, our Father, has asked us to.

But we also know because of what Jesus did, because he took that flak for us, that ultimately there’s an incredible reward awaiting us, sometimes in this life, and definitely in the next. And so we can with gladness say, not what I will, but what you will, God. Because you love us, you are showing that to us right now, and you will show it to us forever as we spend eternity with you.

Yes, this is a great challenge, saying to God, whatever you want from me, I will do. But my friends, it is worth it.

Father God, this is what we say. Sometimes we are not going to want what you are allowing us to walk through. Sometimes we are not going to want the suffering in our lives. But still, God, we cry may your will be done in our lives rather than our will. God, your way first. Amen.

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