Why we rejoice – Romans 5:3-4 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Finding Endurance and Hope in Suffering – A Reflection on Romans 5:3-4

In this episode, we meditate on Romans 5:3-4, wh… (visit YouTube for more)


Today’s verse is easy to use insensitively, so let’s not do this, but let’s meditate on Romans chapter 5, verses 3 to 4. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope.

I find these verses are most helpful with hindsight. In particular this year, walking with my son to the end of his life, there was a lot of suffering there. And at the time that was happening, we, his family, were not saying, "Oh great, this is producing endurance and character and hope in us," though we did maintain our hope in God throughout, knowing that Morgan would soon be with God.

But now as I record this six months on, I can testify that yes, endurance is built through these times of suffering. And that endurance, that strengthening of our emotions, our minds, our bodies, is building the character of Christ in us.

Think of what he suffered at the cross and all the way before. And all through it, he had hope. Hope that our relationship with his Father would be restored.

However this message finds you today, please take comfort in the fact that God does not wish you ill. Our Father loves you, and he wants the best for you. And though we live in a fallen world where there is much suffering, as we go through this, he will give us hope, he will give us comfort, he will provide for our needs according to his many riches in glory.

God, you know that we do suffer on this earth. Thank you for the comfort that you bring. For the comfort that your word brings. And thank you for working in us throughout all circumstances. For your glory and for our good. Amen.

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