Why Do You Call On God? #meditation #dailydevotional #prayer #godliness #relationship #spirituality


Seeking God for Who He Is

In this episode, we explore the reasons behind calling on God and the importance of genuine m… (visit YouTube for more)


The Lord is near to those who call on him in truth. When we call on God, what is the reason for calling? How are we calling on him? Is our motive to get our problems solved?

Or is our motive that we want God himself? Is our motive, that He is so beautiful, He draws us to call out to Him?

We don’t need to fake any kind of feeling towards God, and if to you God doesn’t currently feel close or beautiful, that’s okay. But include that in your call to him. Include this truth. Include this truth that, God, I don’t know who you are yet. I don’t really understand. I haven’t seen your beauty. I don’t have a sense of your presence or your call on my life. God, I need you.

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