Why are we building? – Hosea 8:14 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Heed Hosea’s Warning: Rely on God, Not Human Strength

In this episode, we delve into the relevance of Hosea 8:14 for to… (visit YouTube for more)


This prophecy is as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago when Hosea wrote it. Hosea chapter 8 verse 14. For Israel has forgotten his maker and built palaces and Judah has multiplied fortified cities. So I will send a fire upon his cities and it shall devour her strongholds.

So first things first. Who is our stronghold? It is Lord God Almighty. So when we build our cities, when we build our fortifications, when we settle in a place and say, we are safe now because of the work of our own hands, we are implicitly rejecting God’s protection. There is nothing wrong with having somewhere safe to live, but first and foremost, we should be asking for our protection from God and expecting that He will be the one to protect us.

So the quarrel God has with Israel here is that they’ve built their cities instead of relying on God. They should have done the one without neglecting the other.

And God won’t have that. He’s a jealous God. He will send a fire upon the cities.

So, in modern times, when people build up vast empires, their fortification is money, or power, or influence, or followers. God says, no. I will burn that all down. I must come first. Let us be in no mistake. Rebellion against God of all forms will fail utterly. He will be God.

Lord God, please let us heed this warning in our own lives, not to build up strongholds that are without you. Lord, you are welcome in our lives. We look to you for our protection. We look to you for all our needs to be met because God, everything that’s on this planet for our benefit, you placed there for us. In you, God, we put all our trust. Amen.

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