Who should I forgive? – Mark 11:25 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Challenge of Forgiveness in Prayer | Mark 11:25 Reflection

In this episode, we explore the profound challenge set b… (visit YouTube for more)


Are we equal to the challenge that Jesus sets us in Mark 11 verse 25? Let’s see. "And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also, who is in heaven, may forgive you your trespasses."

Now, I think we need to be clear that what Jesus isn’t saying here is that our forgiveness of others makes our salvation conditional. Because there are so many other verses in the Bible that show us that the only condition is accepting Jesus as our Saviour, is repentance.

Nevertheless, there is a core principle here for all Christians, that whenever we stand praying, so this is going to be a very regular thing, folks, whenever we stand praying we forgive, if we’ve got anything against anyone.

And that is super, super difficult, isn’t it? Because we live in a world full of humans, and humans are constantly butting up against each other, annoying each other, wronging each other, generally making life difficult.

And yet Jesus says, if you have anything against anyone, forgive them. You are cancelling those people’s debts to you because we have had a far greater debt completely cancelled for us.

I haven’t got this verse right in my life, but I aspire to. This is another one that I think we’re going to need to call on the Holy Spirit for His help.

God, thank you for placing the Holy Spirit inside us so that we can be empowered by the same power that raised Christ from the dead. And that power we know is enough for us to forgive where we don’t feel like it.

We need your help. Please grow the Holy Spirit fruit in us. Please make us more forgiving, like Jesus was. His forgiveness was for everyone, even those who abused Him and killed Him. Lord, model us after Your Son, please. Amen.

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