Where Has Our Humility Gone? #meditation #biblemeditation #dailydevotional #humility #faith


The Balance Between Correct Doctrine and Humility in Christian Fellowship

In this episode, we explore the importance of… (visit YouTube for more)


How can we do this, brothers and sisters, when we have such a focus on being right? Where has our humility gone? If we are saying, this is the right way to read this verse and you are all wrong and you are apostate and I’m not even sure that you’re saved, how does that honour God? How does that show the respect that he wants us to show for one another? Paul is right down the line here.

He does not approve of incorrect doctrine and he rebukes and corrects where that’s needed. But he also wants to bring people back into fellowship. So we deal with the issues and then we move forward as one united body of Christ.

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