What’s on the other side? – John 10:9 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Understanding the Magnitude of Jesus’ Offer: John 10:9 Explained

In this insightful video, we delve into the profound m… (visit YouTube for more)


How many people do you think understood the magnitude of what Jesus was offering in John chapter 10, verse 9? He says, "I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture."

This is another of those farming analogies. Jesus is referring to the people who are coming to find pasture as sheep. That’s us. And pasture is where sheep are safe and well fed.

And this is what Jesus wanted for us. This is what Jesus still wants for us. He wants us to be saved, to be safe, to be well fed. To be in comfort, to be in relationship with Him. To come into that place that He’s prepared for us.

And as we meditate on this, we don’t need to think about this as something that’s very far off, that we don’t get until after we die, no, pasture from our Lord is for right now.

Are we entering through the way that Jesus gave us, through the Bible, through the words of God, through praying, through communion and fellowship with him? Are we entering and are we finding pasture? Where our hearts can be at rest, where we can be spiritually nourished, where we can find relationship and fellowship with other believers who have come in through that same door.

Let us not neglect this, because there is great joy and comfort and love to be found in Christ’s pasture.

Thank you, God, for the place you prepare for us right now as well as in our eternal future. Thank you that you intend for us to be fed, to be loved, to be in relationship, to experience the joy of worshipping you God, and to be safe in your name. You have blessed us so richly and we honour you. Amen.

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