We should have known – Acts 10:43 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Understanding Peter’s Message in Acts 10:43 – Jesus as the Fulfilment of Prophecy

In this video, we explore Peter the A… (visit YouTube for more)


Now, no one’s going to like me for saying this, I know, but we can be extremely dense sometimes and really obtuse. Peter the Apostle is speaking in Acts chapter 10, verse 43, and he’s saying: To him, all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.

Peter says, look, you’ve had all of this testimony from all of these prophets who you claim to believe in, they’ve been saying that this one’s gonna come along, who is going to be the mediator between God and man, and that when you put your trust in him, you will be saved. This is the entire testimony of the prophets.

If you read the Old Testament and many of the people Peter was addressing, did, they should know this. They should know that Jesus was the one they were waiting for. And we have even more evidence than they did.

We don’t just have the witness of the prophets. We don’t just have the entire Old Testament. We also have now multiple testimonies of Jesus’s time on this earth.

Jesus Christ is the Prophecy Fulfiller. He has fulfilled all the prophecies that were due to be fulfilled that were about Him, and He will fulfil all the prophecies that remain outstanding about His return, about Him being the King over everyone and everyone bowing the knee to Him.

Lord God, we have everything that we need to believe – you have left nothing out. Please, therefore, turn our hearts and the hearts of those to whom we speak towards you. Let ears be inclined to receive the news, the good news about Jesus, and to believe in him and thus receive forgiveness of sins. This is what we seek, God, throughout this earth. Amen.

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