Want to be important? – 1 Peter 5:6 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Embracing Humility and Trusting God’s Timing

In this episode, we delve into the desire for greatness and what it means … (visit YouTube for more)


One of the things that drives a lot of people as humans is a desire for greatness. Peter has a perspective on this. 1 Peter chapter 5 verse 6. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that, at the proper time, he may exalt you.

In our striving for greatness, are we trying to be greater than everyone else, or even greater than God? If we look through the testimony of Scripture, we see so many people who just mess up over and over again. And they are the ones used by God. Because God says, the glory must go to me. And so, it must be my strength working through you. So that the glory is coming to me, not to you. That’s appropriate, because this is his universe, and he is the most glorious being in it..

But note that God doesn’t want us to be tiny and insignificant. By no means we are not insignificant to Him. He wants us to be humble, recognising that He is God, we aren’t God, but it says that at the right time He will exalt us. He will raise us up to be with Him. He will draw us into his presence as loved friends and children.

So whatever we’re striving for, let us do that with humility and do that under the mighty hand of God, knowing that our strength for this task comes from him, that everything that we have comes from him, that our talents, our time, our availability, they’re all things that God has given us. We work under the mighty hand of God. And we trust that at the proper time, he will exalt us.

Thank you God that we can trust you, we can trust your plan, we can trust your work in our lives. And thank you for this promise, that you won’t just treat us well, you will treat us extravagantly. Bless you. Amen.

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