Unbearable sorrow? – Psalm 119:28 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Finding Strength in Scripture During Times of Sorrow

In this heartfelt episode, we explore the comforting role of Chris… (visit YouTube for more)


People sometimes say that Christianity is a crutch and honestly yes it is. It’s so much more than that but it’s a crutch. Look at Psalm 119 verse 28. My soul melts away for sorrow. Strengthen me according to your word.

The Psalmist is experiencing real, deep anguish. In February this year, my son Morgan died. And I experienced the kind of sorrow I’ve not really experienced before.

To some extent, this sorrow can rob us of our reference points and our understanding, our appreciation of who we are. In what way does his word strengthen us? Well it provides us a reference point for a greater truth. A truly important reality that makes a difference to how we experience sorrow.

Christianity doesn’t make the sorrow go away. But it gives us a frame of reference for understanding the context in which this sorrow takes place. That is, a fallen world, subject to judgment, that will be fully restored and renewed at the return of its King. And then we who accept Jesus as our King will be with him forever, experiencing the glory of God.

And so we look to this Psalm and we do what this Psalm says: we call out to God, asking him to strengthen us in accordance with his words. To give us a greater appreciation of who he is, how he loves us, how he sustains us, how he walks with us through the valley of the shadow of death.

Lord God, for my brothers and sisters who are experiencing sorrow, I pray this: that you will do what this verse says, that you will strengthen them according to your word. You are a good Father, a loving Father, and you do want to comfort your children. And that’s one of the reasons you gave us the Holy Spirit. Thank you so much for your work in our lives. Amen.

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