True Discipleship: A Call Beyond Words #meditation #discipleship #dailydevotional #faith #calling


The True Path to Blessings: Embracing God’s Instruction

In this episode, we explore the essence of true discipleship an… (visit YouTube for more)


What God is looking for is for you to hear his instruction, take it into your heart, and follow it. He wants followers, he wants disciples. Not the ones who just say with their lips, "Yes, Jesus is Lord," but rather those who show that in the way that they live their lives. Those are the people who are truly blessed.

And why is that the real blessing? If you want to live your best life, you don’t need to go on a fancy holiday. You need to do what God tells you to do. We need to be obedient. That is the path to true blessing. That is the path where we get to heaven and God says, "Well done, good and faithful servants. Now enter into your master’s joy."

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