The Lord of healing – Matthew 8:16 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Absolute Power of Jesus Christ for Healing and Deliverance

Today, we explore the unmatched power of Jesus Christ as… (visit YouTube for more)


The power of Jesus Christ is absolute and that gives us lots of hope for deliverance and for healing. Matthew chapter 8 verse 16. That evening they were brought to him many who were oppressed by demons and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick.

Look at the immediacy and the completeness of the power of Jesus. He casts out evil spirits with a word. All he needs to do is say, go, and they have no choice but to flee.

And he never runs out of healing power. He was able to heal all who were sick without himself becoming sick or weak.

And we know that Jesus was moving then in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit that came on him at his baptism. And we can too. This is what the Bible tells us. The same power that raised Christ is at work in us, in our mortal bodies.

So let us align ourselves to the priorities of God. Find out what it is that He wants, so that we are in a perfect position to exercise the power he has given to us on his behalf. Not power for our own kudos, not power to cause us to be prideful, not power that makes us think that we’ve done well, but power where the glory always goes to God, that the praise for healing and deliverance is His alone, whether or not He chooses to work through us.

And let us always honour this remarkable man, the God-man Jesus, who so utterly triumphed over demons, over sickness and disease, and over death.

Lord God, please fill us with faith and help us to know your will, so that we can pray in accordance with your will and move in your purposes with power. Amen.

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