The Golden Rule: How Do We Really Want to Be Treated? #meditation #dailydevotional #love #equality


The Golden Rule: Treating Others How We Want to Be Treated

In this episode, we explore the principle of ‘Do unto others… (visit YouTube for more)


"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."

Do we think about how we really want to be treated by people around us?

We would love to be pushed to the front of the queue. "Go on, you go first. I’m sure your time is important." We’d love to be given the biggest portion of pie. We would love to be told that we’re amazing and for that to be meant genuinely. These are things that we would love to happen to us, wouldn’t we, in our heart of hearts.

And how much time and effort do we put then into doing and saying these things to others?

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