Redefining True Blessings #meditation #blessing #dailydevotional #scripture #biblemeditation #Jesus


Understanding True Blessings: Beyond Material Success

In this video, we delve into Jesus’ response to a woman who prais… (visit YouTube for more)


"Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it."

Now a woman in the crowd has just said, "Your mother, she is so blessed to have borne you." And Jesus is saying, "Hang on a minute, this is what a true blessing looks like."

It’s easy for us to think that our lives will be blessed by all the things that God’s going to do for us. He’s going to take away our pain, he’s going to give us career success, he’s going to give us a wonderful family with well adjusted children.

All of these things we say are blessings from God, and there is truth in that. But Jesus is saying that shouldn’t be your focus, not what you’re going to get.

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