Planning for joy – Proverbs 12:20 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


This episode explores how embracing a godly approach to life, centered around planning for peace, can lead to a more joy… (visit YouTube for more)


I think most people would agree that joy is a good thing and having more joy is desirable. Well here is a godly way to ensure that we are including joy in our lives and it’s Proverbs 12 verse 20. Deceit is in the heart of those who devise evil but those who plan peace have joy.

Now I sincerely hope that we are not amongst those who have deceit in our hearts, who are devising evil, who have wicked plans. We rather, we want to go God’s way so that means no evil for us. And instead we are planning peace.

Are you making plans for peace today, my friend? Are you setting out thinking, how can I live at peace as far as it is possible, as far as it depends on me? How can I live at peace with others? And how can I promote peace?

How can I help people to get along with each other? How can I ensure that the government I’m voting for is the government that wants peace for our nation and for our world?

The most important peace, of course, is the peace between humans and God. How are we making plans to promote that? Because if that’s what we’re doing, joy is the inevitable result. The joy of seeing people reconciled with God. The joy of seeing our nations at peace. The joy of seeing our family relationships and friendships being peaceful.

This is not to say we never have disagreements or even some conflict. But are we planning for peace? Are we deciding that we will respond rather than reacting? Are we choosing to set our egos aside and to promote the purposes of God?

Would you have more joy in your life? Plan for peace.

Lord God, please help us to pursue your plans and ourselves to promote peace for everybody’s sake, for the sake of your glory in your kingdom, and so that we may together experience joy, joy in the Lord, Amen.

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