Know your destiny – Ephesians 1:5 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


God’s Unstoppable Love and Predestined Plan

In this uplifting video, discover the powerful message from Ephesians 1:5 a… (visit YouTube for more)


It’s no coincidence or mistake that you are watching or listening to this today. God has a message for you right now. Here it is. Ephesians chapter 1 verse 5. He predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ according to the purpose of his will.

Just before this verse it says in love, in love he predestined us. This tells us that you, you, yes you, were on God’s mind before the world was formed. And what He had in mind was to predestine you, to predestine me, to be adopted by Him as sons and daughters. And Jesus Christ was the means of that adoption.

And that is what He wanted all along according to the purpose of His will. God wants you to be his child. God wants you to be in his kingdom. God wants you to be in relationship with him eternally.

And this is all going the way that he planned it. Isn’t that phenomenal? God knew that the Fall was going to happen before he created the world. So he set in place this plan, this predestined plan to rescue us.

This isn’t the place for a debate about Calvinism versus Arminianism. Just know that in this verse, which you can meditate on right now, it says God predestined you, he predestined us. He said, "I want you. And by the action of my son Jesus Christ, I’m going to have you, in love."

Can you see how much our Father loves us that he set this all about? That he made all of this come about so that his purposes would be achieved. And if there’s one thing we know about God, it’s that he’s unstoppable. God wants you, my friend. Let’s submit to his will, because it is good.

Thank you, God, for choosing us. Thank you, God, for saving us. Thank you, God, for loving us. Amen.

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