Is your faith dead? – James 2:17 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Faith and Works: A Deep Dive into James 2:17

In this episode, we explore the theological debate between faith and works… (visit YouTube for more)


It’s the age old theological battle between faith and works. Some people wish that the book of James weren’t in the Bible, but it is there. And our verse today is from that very book. James chapter two, verse 17. So also, faith by itself, if it does not have works is dead.

What does James mean here? The work of the Holy Spirit inside us is transformative. How do we know that someone is truly a Christian? Is it simply that they have confessed with their lips that Jesus is Lord? Or is it more than that?

I would say that we know someone is truly saved Because their life changes, their choices change, their attitudes and behaviours change. This is the natural and supernatural process that begins in us when the Holy Spirit comes and lives here and turns us inside out.

And so with that transformation, comes a life of service, a life of works. We don’t by our works achieve salvation, but the fact that we are saved should create in us such gratitude and joy and love and obedience that we can’t help but do what God wants of us, to do what he asks of us.

Faith without works is dead, James says. This is not to bring condemnation onto us, but this is to make us look at ourselves with sober judgment. All we need do is be humble and say, I repent, Lord, have your way with me in my life. I will be your hands and feet on this earth.

And so the opposite of this verse is also true. Faith with works is alive. Do you have a living faith today, my friends? Let us go out and serve God in his name together. May God bless you in all that you do.

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