How to stand firm – Hebrews 3:14 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Can We Lose Our Salvation? Examining Hebrews 3:14

In this episode, we explore the concept of salvation and whether it c… (visit YouTube for more)


Is it possible for us to lose our salvation? Can we hold confidently to the gospel right to the end? Look at Hebrews chapter 3 verse 14. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.

Now there are quite a few places in the New Testament where it makes it clear that once you are in the hand of God, once you are saved, once Jesus has claimed you for his own, nothing can undo that. So this verse presupposes that we can’t lose our salvation. Still there’s a warning, isn’t there? We come to share in Christ if we hold firm to the end. Firm in our confidence that He is our Lord and Saviour.

Now who are the people who are going to remain confident in that way to the end? They’re the people who have come to love Jesus, who have come to love God, have come to understand that God is for us, that he wants us as his children, that he wants us to inherit from him.

So if we are really truly saved, yes we may have doubts, yes we may have ups and downs in our faith, but fundamentally in our core we know who God is, we know who Jesus is, and we are going to cling to that to the end. And if we do, and the writer of Hebrews seems to think that’s inevitable if we’ve come to accept Christ, then we have a share in Christ. We have a share in everything that he bought for us. That includes our righteousness throughout all eternity, and that includes our place in the next life where we get to spend eternity with him, basking in the glory of God.

So, my friends, don’t lose hope. Don’t give up. Hold confident right to the end. And in doing so, you can be certain that you have a share in Christ Jesus. What a promise.

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