How to know there’s a God – Psalm 19:1 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Experiencing God’s Glory Through Creation: Psalm 19:1

In this episode, we explore Psalm 19:1 and the powerful evidence … (visit YouTube for more)


Today’s verse gives us a very good reason for believing in God. Psalm 19 verse 1. To the Choirmaster. A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.

Have you ever looked up at the night sky and looked at all those stars and just had your mind completely blown by how vast this universe is? Have you ever looked at a sunset or a landscape and thought, wow, this is staggeringly beautiful?

This is my experience. And I find it difficult to have those experiences without also attributing all this vastness, all this wonder and splendor to a Creator. If I look at a wonderful piece of art, I know for sure, beyond any shadow of doubt, that an artist created it. And that is how I feel about this universe.

Now, for sure, we know there are things in this universe that are not beautiful. And we can account for those by the Fall. But for the things that are beautiful, we can see the handiwork of God.

We can see his signature in the things that he’s made. The great variety of animals and plants and scenery. And this includes the heavens. And together nature declares God’s glory.

This isn’t the only reason for believing that there is a God and that he is good, and that he has an appreciation of beauty, but it’s a good reason for believing this.

Thank you, God, that you have set your signature into the universe that you’ve created so that we can see your glory, so that we can see your goodness, so that we can see, God, your beauty reflected in the things that you have made. Creation is yours. We are yours, God, and we worship you. Amen.

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