Holding your sin close? – Psalm 103:12 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Letting Go of Sin: Embracing Divine Forgiveness

In this video, we explore the difficulty of letting go of our sins and … (visit YouTube for more)


Do you find it hard to let go of your own sin or to believe that God has forgiven you? I do sometimes, but let’s remind ourselves of Psalm 103 verse 12. As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.

And sometimes I’m saying to God, Oh God, remember that thing I did? And God’s like, "Dude, what?"

He separates our sin from his attention as far as it is possible for that to go. Between the East and the West, the uttermost East and the uttermost West. There is no wider gap. That’s the picture here that David is giving us.

And he understood even pre the sacrifice of Christ before Jesus has come, he understood that what God does with the sin when there’s been sacrifice and forgiveness, he throws it, he flings it away from us. And yet sometimes we bring it back to mind. Or maybe sometimes our enemy reminds us.

We can relax in the knowledge that God isn’t looking at that sin. When we accept what Jesus did for us, that sin is flung away, never to be seen again. We need not focus on it. God certainly isn’t.

Thank you, our Lord that you take away all uncleanness from us. That is what that precious blood of Jesus does. That sacrifice covers all sins, removes them completely. You don’t bring them back to mind. God, this is how much you care for us, and this is how much you love us. We thank you. Amen.

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