Here’s how to learn – Psalm 119:130 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Finding Light and Understanding through Psalm 119:130

Join us as we explore the illuminating power of God’s word, disco… (visit YouTube for more)


Oh, I really like today’s meditation verse. Psalm 119 verse 130. The unfolding of your words gives light. It imparts understanding to the simple.

The Word of God illuminates our understanding. It grants us the ability to see things we may not otherwise have seen. It even gives understanding to those who are not sophisticated in their thinking. It is understanding for all, courtesy of the revelation of God.

And the Bible in that sense is a marvel. It helps us to understand things about ourselves, about God, about the universe, about the sacrifice of Christ, that we couldn’t understand easily any other way.

How can we know of God’s true feelings towards us without the Bible? How can we know of our purpose in this world, in this universe, without the unfolding of His words?

Do you wish to gain understanding? Start with the Bible. First and foremost, this is our ruler, this is our benchmark, this is our compass, this is our guiding light. To receive understanding from the wisest one of all.

Thank you, God, for unfolding, for setting out your word in order to bring revelation to us, in order to give us understanding. Thank you, Lord, that you don’t leave us in the dark. Thank you that you don’t want to leave us ignorant or helpless. Please help us to absorb your words, to take them into our hearts and into our minds, so that we receive the understanding that you intend for us. Amen.

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