Do we know our place? – Job 38:4 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Reflecting on Job 38: Understanding Our Place Before God

In this episode, we meditate on Job 38:4, where God challenges… (visit YouTube for more)


Poor old Job, he’s had a pretty hard time. And then God says this to him, Job 38 verse 4: "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding."

Of course, the answer to that is "nowhere". Job was nowhere. He didn’t exist. God is before all things. And God here is reminding Job that God is God.

Do we understand what that means? We should meditate on this. God being God, he is superior to us in absolutely every respect. And so we can never have understanding that’s equal to his. When Job is questioning God in this book of Job, God is saying, you don’t really know what you’re asking here, Job.

Now God is gentle and kind ultimately with Job and he restores so much to him. But he reminds Job that God is not at our beck and call. God does not operate the way we think he ought to operate. He operates on the basis of his own character and goodness and holiness and justice.

We must know our place before God. He elevates us by giving us love, by adopting us as children. He becomes our Father. But he is always still our Lord and our God.

We do need to understand the nature of our relationship between us and God. We are the creatures. He is the Creator. We are fortunate, therefore, that he loves and cares for us.

God, we recognise your supremacy in all things. We bow to you, we submit to you, and we thank you for loving us, even though we are so small and should be beneath your notice. But you’ve created us on purpose. You love us, and you want a relationship with us. That is mind blowing, and we thank you for it. Amen.

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