Condemnation Absorbed: The Divine Solution #meditation #sin #salvation #dailydevotional #biblestudy


The Solution to Sin: Through Faith in Jesus Christ

In this episode, we explore the divine remedy for the inherited cond… (visit YouTube for more)


Our sinful parents condemned us to live in a fallen world, but now God sends his solution, his own son, Jesus Christ, who by dying for us, absorbs all of that condemnation, takes all of it on himself, and we can now be justified by following him. And not only are we justified. We now inherit eternal life.

If this is unfair, it’s only unfair in that God has given us too much, more than we could ever have deserved.

Thank you, God for your bounty towards us. Thank you that you have broken the curse of sin through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, your son. We marvel at all that you have done. Amen.

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