Christ: God and man – John 1:1 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Understanding the Divinity of Jesus Christ | John 1:1 Explained

In this episode, we delve deep into the divinity of Jes… (visit YouTube for more)


One of the first things almost any cult needs to do is to attack the divinity of Jesus Christ. Here’s why that doesn’t work. John chapter 1, verse 1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

The Word. The Logos. This is Christ. John is talking about Christ. Read the rest of the chapter to see that. There can be nobody else he means.

And John has this revelation that Jesus existed. In the beginning, before time, before creation. He was both with God and he was God. So we get a hint of the Trinity there too.

Jesus Christ is God and is man. And the early church wrestled with precisely what this meant, and then lots of cults sprang up and different religions saying that Jesus wasn’t quite God in the way that John said he was.

We have so much reason to believe that the Bible is true, and we can rely and depend on this verse. Our Saviour, our Lord, Jesus Christ, yes, he became a man. And yes, He existed in that humanity, on our behalf.

But he also is, and always will be, God. He experienced what we experienced. But he also is the reason that we even exist. All things were made by him and through him.

Don’t let anyone ever persuade you that Jesus Christ was just a good man. He is so much more than that. He is alive. He is the living embodiment of God revealed to us on this earth and now sitting at the right hand of the Father God, ready for us to meet him face to face when he returns in all his glory.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you are our living Word. You are eternal, you are loving, you are faithful, you are God. We honour you. Amen.

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