Answering the Call: Here I Am, Send Me #meditation #service #dailydevotional #dailychallenge #faith


Responding to God’s Call: Isaiah’s Willingness to Serve

In this episode, explore the biblical narrative where God asks,… (visit YouTube for more)


I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send and who will go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am, send me."

Now, I was never particularly sporty as a child. So I was always the one at the back of the line, picked last for any kind of endeavour.

But here we’ve got somebody going, "Me, me, me, Lord, pick me. Pick me first." God is saying, who’s going to go and do this thing for me? Who is going to proclaim my good news? Who is going to prophesy over this nation? Who will it be? And Isaiah wants it to be him.

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