A Radical Message of Equality and Redemption #meditation #equality #dailydevotional #biblemeditation


Equality in Christ: Breaking Barriers

This video explores the concept of universal equality before Christ Jesus, emphas… (visit YouTube for more)


Before Christ Jesus, we all achieve the same status, the status first, of a sinner, who is beyond hope, and then having accepted Jesus, the status of a redeemed saint, who is completely washed and cleansed and clean in God’s eyes.

And that applies equally, regardless of your background, regardless of where you were born, regardless of your social status, regardless of how much is in your bank account, if you even have a bank account, and certainly regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman. We are all one in Christ Jesus, equal in status and value and personhood.

So if you see someone being marginalised in society or in a church because of who they are or where they’re from, challenge that behaviour, challenge it in others, and challenge it in yourself. We are all equal before God.

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