Why follow the rules? – Galatians 5:6 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Faith Working Through Love: Understanding Galatians 5:6

In this episode, we delve into the message of Galatians 5:6, ex… (visit YouTube for more)


How hard do we have to try, to be acceptable to God? Let’s meditate on Galatians chapter 5 verse 6. For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.

So of course in the Jewish context, one of the ways that a male Jew would know whether or not he was of the faith was that he had been circumcised, that he’d come into the flock through that process that was registered in his body. He knew that he was of the faith.

And Paul is now saying here, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter one way or the other, whether you are showing physically that you are of the faith. These signs, these rules that you try to follow, they are not what tell us whether or not you’re saved.

The best evidence of whether or not we’re saved is demonstrating our faith working through love. If our strongest motivation for how we interact with other people is love, how does that change the way that our life goes? How does that change the way our friends lives go? How does that change the way society is shaped?

Let’s look at the life of Jesus and understand how he was so motivated by love. It was his love that caused him to throw over those swindling, money changing tables in the temple. He didn’t want the people that he cared about to be taken advantage of.

It was love that caused him to remain there, on that cross, in agony, for our sakes. Uncircumcision. Circumcision. That’s not what’s most important. Only faith working through love. That’s what Paul tells us.

Perhaps take some time to meditate on this verse further, which you’ll find in the description. How will faith work through love in your life? God bless you.

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