Why do we stumble? – Romans 7:24 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Meditation on Romans 7:24 – The Struggle Within

In this episode, we delve into Romans 7:24, reflecting on the Apostle P… (visit YouTube for more)


The Apostle Paul knew where it was at. He knew what it was like to be human. Let’s meditate on Romans 7 verse 24. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?

Now we’re just going to dwell on this verse. We’re not going to rush on to the next verse that gives us relief from this. Let’s just focus on this verse today and then tomorrow we’ll get on to verse 25.

Wretched man that I am. Paul is in anguish that even though he wants to be pure and holy and righteous before God and always do and think the right things, he finds that he can’t always. He finds that his body lets him down. His flesh, the sinful nature, is warring against him.

And that is the struggle that we find ourselves in, even as Christians, in this fallen world. We don’t get immediately delivered from this tendency to sin.

Paul bewailed that. He didn’t want that to be the case. He was saying, who’s going to deliver me? And this sometimes is our reality.

When we reflect back on our lives, even maybe just the last 24 hours, there are going to be things there that we feel shame about. Now we don’t live in shame, we don’t live in guilt, because Jesus Christ has paid the penalty for everything that we do wrong.

But still, we are stuck with this, for now. This body of death, this is the housing that we live in, and its nature is fallen, even though we’re redeemed.

So given that we have this struggle, we have to do what Paul does and cry out for help. Who will deliver me from this body of death?

Now, you probably know the answer to that, and we’ll come to that tomorrow. But let us cry out to God.

Will you, Lord, deliver us from this body of death? And we thank you that the answer is yes. Lord God, you are redeeming us. You are sanctifying us. This is an ongoing process that continues to the day of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your patience with us. Amen.

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