Who’s the strongest? – Psalm 105:4 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Seeking God’s Strength and Presence Continually | Psalm 105:4 Reflection

Join us in reflecting on Psalm 105:4, where we… (visit YouTube for more)


Are you ready to face into God with me? Psalm 105, verse 4 says, Seek the Lord and his strength. Seek his presence continually.

The Psalmist encourages us to be diligent in the way that we seek, we look for God. And he reminds us that God has great strength. And that’s something that we admire, isn’t it?

Generally speaking, in our culture, we admire people who are strong. Whether that be physically, or mentally, or emotionally, we value strength. So why then not value the strength of God? He has more strength in every category than anyone else we will ever know.

He is worth seeking for his strength. He is worthy of being admired, more worthy than any other hero we may have on this earth.

And this is a good reason, because we admire him, to seek his presence continually. We want to be with him, someone that we can look up to so utterly, who will never disappoint us or let us down. Let us seek the Lord and his strength and always be seeking his presence.

Lord God, we ask for your presence to be with us in a way that we can experience and feel and know. You, God, are strong and we admire you and we seek you earnestly, Lord. All day, please be with us. Amen.

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