What is most important? – Acts 20:24 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Prioritising God’s Mission Over Self: Lessons from Acts 20:24

In this episode, we explore the idea of prioritising God’… (visit YouTube for more)


If we have a tendency to defend or protect ourselves, that could be an indication that we don’t have our priorities straight. Listen to what Paul said to the elders of the church of Ephesus. This is Acts 20 verse 24. But I do not account my life of any value, nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I receive from the Lord Jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

What a single minded focus Paul had. His life was no longer important to him. Genuinely, he allowed himself to go into situations that were hazardous because he knew what he had to do was to carry on the work that God had given him.

Do we have a sense of that purpose in our lives? Have we received from God and understood our mission? And are we putting that first, our duty to God, our pursuit of his things, of the reward ultimately, that we will receive from him? Do we place that as higher account than our lives? This is extremely challenging.

This is a state of being that when we are persecuted, we will allow that persecution. We are not going to squirm out of it. We’re not going to lie to protect ourselves. We are going to own our responsibility as children of the living God to speak his truth, to proclaim the gospel.

In that way, we can finish our course. There is no greater calling that we can have in our lives.

Lord God, please help us to keep everything in right perspective, to set our priorities by the standards that you give us. Lord, it is so easy for us to start thinking more about ourselves than about you and what you require. But God, we declare that you are the most important person in our lives, and we will do what is pleasing to you, our God. Amen.

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