The ultimate victory – Isaiah 25:8 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


In this heartfelt episode, Rob shares a deeply personal experience of losing his son and the profound impact it had on h… (visit YouTube for more)


Five months ago, I watched my son die, literally, and my wife and I were very struck amongst all our grief, amongst all the anguish, the trauma and the agony of that time, we were struck by the fact that death is an offence. It is violence against nature. It’s violence against the original created order.

And that is why today’s verse is so encouraging and delightful. It’s Isaiah 25, verse 8. He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people, he will take away from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken.

That last bit, the Lord has spoken, that means this is definitely happening. This is what he said he will do. And he will do it because he is a God of integrity.

And then the beautiful promise that we have in this verse is that death is going. It will be swallowed up, gone completely. No more death. When the heavens and the earth are restored after the return of Christ, death will be history.

All the tears will be wiped away. There’ll be no need for sorrow, and it’ll be God himself, our caring, loving Father, wiping away those tears, eliminating sorrow along with death. And this reproach, the sinfulness, the guilt that we have felt over aeons, over all of human history, that will be taken away too. Finally, everything gone that is evil and wicked and bad, eliminated by a loving God.

And this is why my wife and I have such hope in the midst of our grief, in the midst of missing our son. We know we will see him again, and we know that when we do, we ourselves will no longer be sad, have no reason to worry about our sin, and we will never be separated again.

What a phenomenal promise that God has given us, and He will do it.

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