The source of all money – 1 Timothy 6:17 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Riches Will Not Save You – A Biblical Reminder

In this episode, we explore 1 Timothy 6:17, which warns the rich not to … (visit YouTube for more)


Are you rich? Do you know anyone who’s rich? Here’s a warning from 1 Timothy 6 verse 17. As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

If we have acquired wealth, if anyone has acquired wealth, there is a tendency for us to feel safe or happy because of that wealth, that money, that property, whatever it is. But the Apostle Paul says, this isn’t your security. This isn’t where you must place your hope. Riches will not save you. Riches will not lead you into everlasting life.

In fact, to the contrary, they’re rather likely to lead you astray if you are not absolutely scrupulously on your guard. So we say to rich people, whether that’s us or anyone else, be careful. Don’t be proud. Don’t be proud of what you think you’ve achieved. Don’t be proud of what you think you’ve acquired by your own means.

When we exit this world and enter the next, nothing of what we’ve acquired will come with us. We will be there just with our souls before God, accounting to him for what we’ve done in this life. So let us take warning from this and remember to set our hope on God, the Creator of this universe, the Creator of us, who loves us.

Father God, thank you for warning us. Thank you that you are kind enough to remind us that we must trust in you and not in anything or anyone else. Only you are fully reliable, 100 percent loving, completely just. Only you know the beginning from the end. Only you are the source of everything good. We praise you. Amen.

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