The sign of God’s love – Revelation 3:19 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Embracing God’s Discipline: A Sign of His Love

In this video, we explore the concept of God’s discipline and reproof as… (visit YouTube for more)


Are you like me? I don’t like being told off. I don’t like to feel like I’ve done something wrong. And yet, when this is done well, reproof and discipline, they are a sign of love. Revelation 3 verse 19. Those whom I love, I reproof and discipline. So be zealous and repent.

God loves us so much he doesn’t want us to remain in our sinful state. He will reprove and discipline. Discipline, which is correction for our good. Discipline, which is training into righteousness.

The discipline of God comes from a position of complete love and acceptance. As we are covered by the blood of Christ, he accepts us.

So as God shows this sign of love towards us, reproving and disciplining us we need not feel crushed in any way. He doesn’t want to crush us.

Rather, let us take and grasp that reproof, that discipline. Let us embrace it wholeheartedly, knowing that it is for our good. It is for our benefit and for God’s glory. We want to be shaped into the likeness of Jesus Christ because there is no one better for us to resemble.

Know then, my friend, that God loves you. And if you feel like you are being disciplined by him in any way, please don’t feel bad about that. Be blessed, be joyful, because your father loves you and he wants you to be his obedient and much loved child. This is the way that God loves us as a father.

Thank you, God, for your discipline. It sounds strange to say that, but, God, we know it’s for our benefit, even though it’s uncomfortable and sometimes painful. But thank you, God, that you love us enough to lead us into further truth and holiness. For your glory, for your name’s sake. Amen.

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