The problem of divorce – Matthew 19:9 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Jesus’ Teachings on Adultery and Divorce – A Deeper Understanding

Explore Jesus’ profound teachings on adultery and div… (visit YouTube for more)


What did Jesus really think about adultery? Matthew 19, verse 9: "And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery."

Now we know that Jesus showed profound love for everybody. So what then do we think he means in this saying?

Is he saying, no, you absolutely can’t get divorced for any reason? Or is he rather pointing to the state of our hearts, revealing them to us?

If it was far too easy in that day and today for people to cast aside the vows and the covenants that they’d made, is Jesus not highlighting this and saying, "You have evil hearts. Think about what you’re doing. What are you doing?" The marriage relationship is something special and ordained by God.

Knowing what we know about Jesus, we know he is not saying to people, if one spouse is abusing the other, you’ve got no reason to separate. Of course he wouldn’t. Jesus hates abuse just as much as he hates sexual immorality.

No, he’s saying, bear in mind the motivations of your heart when you make all decisions in your life. Do not force one another into bad and evil patterns of behaviour. Honour your commitments and proceed with love at all times.

Lord God, we are weak. We have evil and sin in our hearts and we just need your help with all of this, God. In our marriages, in our friendships, in our interactions with everyone in society around us. Please help us. Please transform us to be more like you, Jesus. Amen.

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