The blessing of partnership – Ecclesiastes 4:9 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Power of Companionship: Ecclesiastes 4 Explained

In this episode, we explore the wisdom and beauty of Ecclesiastes … (visit YouTube for more)


There’s a lot of wisdom and beauty in the book of Ecclesiastes and chapter four is magnificent. This is from that chapter, Ecclesiastes 4 verse 9. Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their toil.

How much better is it to go through life with a good friend or a partner, somebody who’s walking alongside you, whether that be a brother or a sister, a really good friend, or a husband or wife. Two are better than one.

Think about if you’re planning to go to the gym, how do you keep your motivation to keep going to the gym and exercising? Well, having an exercise partner really helps, because on the days that you don’t feel like it, they’re knocking on your door saying, "Come on, let’s go!" and it works the other way around. You help them when they don’t feel like exercising. Two are better than one.

And when two are working together, they can have much better results. If you are sawing a tree, imagine one of those saws with a handle on either end. You can’t really operate that on your own to saw a tree in half. But if there’s someone on the other end, just by virtue of having an extra person, You can saw that tree.

God has set this principle into the universe. He says back in Genesis, it’s not good for man to be alone. If you feel like you’re a loner, I would urge you, go back to the word of God, see what it says, and get yourself a good friend. And I know that sometimes that is easier said than done, so pray into it. Two are better than one.

Thank you, God, for this principle that you have set into life. That although in this world we have trials, it is easier to go through those trials if we have someone walking alongside us. Lord, I ask for my brothers and sisters that for those who don’t already have that someone, you will send them, you will build that relationship. Because you have ordained that two are better than one. Amen.

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