Patience rewarded – Psalms 40:1-2 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Patiently Waiting on the Lord: Lessons from King David and Psalm 40

In this episode, explore the profound lessons from … (visit YouTube for more)


King David is such a great example to us and there’s such soothing balm in the Psalms that he’s written. This is Psalm 40 verses 1 to 2. To the Choirmaster, a Psalm of David. I waited patiently for the Lord. He inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure.

King David, in his life, he had known the absolute depths of despair. He had been cast out of a safe place. He had to roam the country homeless. And he was separated from his people and his family.

But he knew what to do. He knew to wait patiently for the Lord. We don’t know how long he waited patiently. But this is probably more than one night. This is probably more than a few days. This is probably weeks and years.

He’s waited patiently for the Lord. Are we willing to wait patiently for the Lord for that long? Moses had to wait 40 years before his main ministry began. Are we that patient?

Because the testimony of these men, Moses and David, is that God heard. He heard their cry. He drew them up out of their situation, out of that miry bog, and he made them secure, put their feet on a rock, and the same thing happens to us now.

Our feet are placed on the rock, the rock of our faith, our faith in Jesus Christ, and our steps are secure. And we are drawn out of the pit of destruction because of all that Christ’s sacrifice secured for us.

Thank you, God. Thank you that you listen to us. Thank you that you hear. Thank you that you respond through time and eternity. Thank you that you send relief. Thank you that you love us. Thank you that everything will be made new when Jesus returns. Amen.

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