Is it okay to slack off? – Colossians 3:23 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Working Heartily for the Lord: A Reflection on Colossians 3:23

In this episode, we reflect on Colossians 3:23 and the i… (visit YouTube for more)


Colossians 3: 23. Whatever you do, work heartily as for the Lord and not for men.

The thing that really strikes me about this verse is that word translated ‘heartily’. With all our heart; with great vigour and gusto, whatever we’re doing, we do it heartily. In our employed work, in our school work, in our housework. Do it with vigour, with pleasure, knowing that we’re doing this for God.

This, of course, is very challenging. It is hard to maintain that heartiness of spirit in our work. Sometimes our work is drudgery. But what can we do if we are feeling down about our work?

We can lift up our gaze to heaven and say, Lord, whatever it is I’m doing, I know that I’m doing it for you. It may not feel like I’m making a difference, but God, you have ordained work for us. And this is part of your grace towards us, your children, that we are able to work, that we are able to generate value in society, that we are able to help others. And for all these reasons and more, because we are your representatives on this earth, we will do it to the best of our abilities. And we work heartily, not because we’re under some kind of religious pressure to, but because we love Him, and it is our joy and delight to work well for Him.

Lord God, you ordained work for us right back at the start, and it is a good thing. It is common grace into this world that we work on your behalf. Please help us to remember this, Lord, in the difficult times and in the easy, whatever circumstances we face in all our different sectors and areas of work. Please help us to remember to keep our eyes focused on you, our ultimate boss. For your glory and for the sake of the gospel. Amen.

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