How to be complete – Psalm 119:93 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Secret to Life: Insights from Psalm 119:93

In this episode, we delve into Psalm 119:93, where the Psalmist reveals … (visit YouTube for more)


The writer of Psalm 119 has discovered one of the secrets to life. Here it is, Psalm 119, verse 93. I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have given me life.

The Psalmist says that it is God’s precepts, God’s words, God’s knowledge, God’s understanding, his wisdom that gives to us our life. How can anyone create a universe? How can anyone create life except through vast power and immense knowledge and wisdom? That is what we have with God.

This is why there’s no point us forgeting what he said to us. He’s the one who knows everything there is to know about everything, including how to live, how to live well.

By following God’s precepts, and only by following God’s precepts, we can live well. We can live the best life as he ordained it for us, even in this fallen world. There is still a way to pursue God’s path.

And so we meditate. We meditate on these precepts. We meditate on this very verse, which tells us why we should meditate.

Thank you, Father, that you have given us life through your wisdom, through your power, through your majestic influence on everything, all matter and energy. We will hold to what you have told us. Please help us to remember all that you’ve taught us, God, so that we can honour you all of our days. Amen.

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