How to be close to God – Psalm 145:18 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Meditate on Psalm 145:18 – Finding God’s Nearness

Join in meditating on Psalm 145:18, which promises that the Lord is n… (visit YouTube for more)


It’s so good to meditate on Psalms like this. Psalm 145 verse 18. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

So this Psalm is in two lines. The first line is, the Lord is near to all who call on him. And then the second line intensifies and expands on that first line. To all who call on him in truth.

So first we notice that there’s a promise here, that when we call on God, he will be near to us. Does God feel far away to you, my friend? Have you called out to him? Have you poured out your heart in prayer to God?

And importantly, the Lord is near to those who call on him in truth. When we call on God, what is the reason for calling? How are we calling on him? Is our motive to get our problems solved? Is our motive what God can do for us?

Or is our motive that we want God himself? Is our motive, that He is so beautiful, He draws us to call out to Him?

We don’t need to fake any kind of feeling towards God, and if to you God doesn’t currently feel close or beautiful, that’s okay. But include that in your call to him. Include this truth. Include this truth that, God, I don’t know who you are yet. I don’t really understand. I haven’t seen your beauty. I don’t have a sense of your presence or your call on my life. God, I need you.

This is calling on God in truth, however we’re feeling today. And the promise is that when we call on God, honestly, with integrity, he is near to us. The Lord God, the living almighty creator of the universe is near.

Thank you, Father God, for your presence. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your consideration of us mere mortals. We call out to you, Lord God. Be near to us, we pray. Amen.

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