How should we react? – Matthew 7:28-29 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


The Astonishing Impact of the Sermon on the Mount

In this episode, we delve into the profound effect of Jesus’ Sermon o… (visit YouTube for more)


What must it have been like to be one of the people that listened to the Sermon on the Mount? Well, here’s how the crowds responded. Matthew 7, verses 28 to 29. And when Jesus finished these sayings, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, for he was teaching them as one who had authority, and not as their scribes.

The people who had listened to Jesus giving this outstanding sermon were amazed. This was nothing like anything they’d heard before. The person who was speaking to them about Jesus about God, about the principles of life, had great authority. It was almost as if he knew it inside out, how everything works.

The scribes, who they’d see in the synagogues, they could tell people about the scripture, they could say what the rabbis had said, they could explain some of the interpretations that had been given to scripture over the years.

But here, was the author and the author was speaking with authority about his book. Jesus knew it inside out and backwards and he was going to give them astounding revelations that nobody else ever has done before.

And Jesus has now Placed his spirit the Holy Spirit into us to give us similar revelation. Revelation that comes from God, that is only clouded by our sinful nature and our minds that aren’t fully attuned to the things of God.

This is the authority. This is what Jesus wielded. This is why he had such an incredible impact that we still feel thousands of years later. This is who Jesus was. He was the author, not just of the Bible, but of life itself.

Lord Jesus, may we remember this about you. May we continue to be astonished at your teaching. May you bring fresh revelation to us as we meditate on your word. It is food for our souls. Amen.

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