How much does God value YOU? – Matthew 6:26 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Finding Peace in God’s Provision: Lessons from Matthew 6:26

In this video, we explore Jesus’ teachings from Matthew 6:2… (visit YouTube for more)


Jesus knew how prone we would be to worry and anxiety, and this is what he said. Matthew 6 verse 26. Look at the birds of the air. They neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Jesus knew that his listeners and us, his readers, were going to worry about material things. Were going to worry about relationships. Were going to worry about how to survive in this life.

And he says, look at the principle that God has set into this universe. Look at the way he treats the humblest of creatures. Look at the way that the birds have food; they don’t even need to plant anything. And they end up being fed because God created a world in which they would be fed, knowing that this is how they would be sustained.

And if God cares about birds like this, how much more does he care about us, does he care about giving to us, the things that he knows we need? Now once we accept that God will give us the things that he knows we need, rather than the things that we want, we can settle into this place of peace.

He gives us spiritual food first and foremost, because that is what we need more than anything. It is better for our body to waste away on this earth and our souls to be safe and secured for the next life than it is to be rich and powerful and famous and to be dead in our sins.

So we must remember to pray to God in accordance with his will saying first, may your will be done God. I know what I would like. I know what I think I need, but God, you know best.

Thank you, God, for caring for us. Thank you, God, for providing for us. Thank you, God, for loving us, each of us, truly, as a father loves a child. This is the greatest of loves that you have for us, your children. You are our eternal and loving Father and we worship you. Amen.

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