How can we know anything? – Proverbs 1:7 | 2-minute daily bible meditation


Meditation on Proverbs 1:7: The Beginning of Knowledge

Join us in this reflective meditation on Proverbs 1:7, exploring… (visit YouTube for more)


Hi, welcome. Let’s meditate on Proverbs chapter 1, verse 7. Very well known verse. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Fools despise wisdom and instruction.

If we want to know anything, where do we start? The writer of the Proverbs says we must start with having this reverence fear for God. And all of our knowledge can be built on that foundation of knowing that God is supreme and this is his universe.

There are other ways of attempting to acquire knowledge. If we start, for example, with the scientific method where everything has to be based on experimentation and evidence – and that is good as far as it goes, God has given us science as a way of understanding our universe – but if that method is not subject to the reverence fear of the Lord, it will lead us astray. We will reach incorrect conclusions.

We have to say first and foremost, Lord, we want to know what you’re teaching us through any method that we use. The very brains that we have in our heads were given to us by God, and He knows better than anyone how those work.

And if we don’t take this approach, if we are not in full submission to the authority and the wisdom of God, then, the writer of Proverbs says, we are fools, we’re foolish. In fact, we are hating wisdom, we are hating being taught properly.

So, everything that we do whether we’re a scientist, a musician, a teacher, a doctor, we learn first by coming to God and submitting all that we’re going to do, all that we’re going to learn to him and say, Lord, we’re going your way with this. And if there’s any apparent contradiction between what I think I’ve learned and what you’re telling me, God, I will submit to you and trust you first.

My friends, would you be wise, would you have knowledge? Start by revering, by worshipping God. May he bless you today.

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